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I loved the Disney movie “Pocahontas” when I was a kid. Though the story is a romanticised version of true events, watching the movie again now with my children I can thoroughly appreciate the messages held within. 

It shows the native Americans connection with the earth, with animals and nature. It shows the energy and spirit that the majority of us as a western civilisation have forgotten. 

Greed and power consume our world, to the detriment of what is good for our planet, our health, our future and our children’s future. 

There is more exposure beginning to happen to help us reconnect with our true selves. More people are beginning to see the benefits or practices like meditation and yoga. Therapies such as reiki, and breath work. 

While this is still commonly considered weird, it has improved the lives of so many. 

This holistic approach to life allows our bodies to align with with what we really need, allows our views to be clear on our values, and focus on ourselves and loved ones rather than comparing ourselves to others and fighting for power. 

Modern western civilisations are extremely fast paced, with praise given to those who wear themselves out the most from working the longest hours. 

The Pocahontas movie shows a true sense of community, of being able to really take time in your day to connect with yourself, with nature, with your family and your values in life. 

Have we finally learnt yet who are the real “savages”??